Man is very like a dog;
if he sees a fight, he
wants to go in tooth and
nail. It takes more
courage to stand drawn up
in a line - hearing shot
flying round our ears,
seeing poor wounded men
carried past us - than to
charge with bayonets fixed,
your blood full of fire.
I find
the more
a man
has here,
the worse
it is:
the more
he has
to pack:
it is
for us
to make
the mules.
six o'clock
they began
very shortly
our guns
the rebel batteries:
then we had a breathing spell -
I improved on it by sleeping.
I was dreaming of home
and thought you were
cooking a can of oysters -
you were just placing the dish
on the table when you dropped it,
broke the dish. The noise woke me
(not the dish, but a shell
bursting overhead.