by Kelly Madigan Erlandson
Outer space, including the moon and other
celestial bodies, is not subject to national
appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means
of use or occupation, or by any other means.
--UN Treaty, January 27, 1967
Millions have already land grabbed. Thirteen
hundred major corporations own large tracts. Two former
U.S. presidents. The registered owners are from176 countries.
Last night two women walked from the riverbank
to the car, packing out camp chairs, flashlights,
driftwood. Mars had rotated above them
from its rising point in the southeastern sky,
making it seem like a new planet,
equally as heavy and crimson. Their small fire
had flushed and incensed the shoreline
while rabbits rustled in their hutches
and coyote loped the prairie. Their jackets
stowed wood smoke home.
As they left, light appeared
behind the tree line. The whole moon
slipped its collar of dark branches and rose.
"Spam Says the Moon Is For Sale" appeared previously in South Dakota Review. Reprinted by permission of the poet. Kelly Madigan Erlandson's work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Crazyhorse, The Massachusetts Review, Talking River Review, CALYX and Puerto del Sol. Her manuscript "Born in the House of Love" won the Main-Traveled Roads Chapbook Award in 2004.
I'm interested in considering your "poems of place" for publication in The Middlewesterner's "Saturday's Poem" feature; send two or three of your best in the body of an e-mail addressed to [email protected] . Put "Saturday's Poem" in the subject line. Then be patient. I will get back to you about whether I'll use your work or not. Send along a short biographical note and information about where your books can be purchased and I'll include that when your poem runs. There's no payment involved for having your work appear in "Saturday's Poem," but the feature is seen by some few high class readers. Click here for complete index of and access to "Saturday's Poems" poems published prior to September 18, 2004.