For the record
I should say that I went to Milwaukee yesterday, intent on reviewing Chapters 10, 11, and 12 of Peter's Story with Peter. In our previous meetings, we usually handled three chapters, and I expected we'd move at similar pace.
Peter had been to the doctor earlier in the day because his eyesight has suddenly been deteriorating again. That he is 83 years old may be part of the reason. The doctor confirmed that, yes, his eyesight was deteriorating and added that nothing could be done about it. Not a happy bit of news.
Peter and I worked pretty hard, nonetheless. We completed our review of all the remaining pages: Chapters 10-13 and the Epilogue. There is one more bit of information we'll need to add to Chapter 10 when I return to visit Peter in April; otherwise the text is done. That's D-O-N-E, folks!
On Sunday I will be leaving for a two-week trip to see our daughter and son-in-law in Fort Collins, Colorado, and to visit high school classmates in Gering, Nebraska, and Junction City, Kansas. Before I leave, I want to take at least the first six chapters to my book designer, so she can get started preparing the pages for the printer. This pre-supposes that I will be able to take one more swing through those chapters before I leave; I want one more opportunity to get it right before I put the book into production. Damn Virgo perfectionist, I am. Wish me luck.
To celebrate, I will be returning to Milwaukee this evening and will take Peter out to supper. It will be a plain, ordinary meal in a plain, ordinary restaurant. Yet also it will be a terrific moment for us, as we recognize all the hard work that is behind us, and look forward to all the hard work ahead of us, the work of actually getting Peter's Story into the hands of readers. Fortunately, the toughest part is done.
After we have supper, I'll return to Fairwater and get on with the business of finalizing pages for the designer. I will push on. We're looking at perhaps a 260-page book here, so it will be quite a push.
Yet it is time to say Ha-rooh. Say it with me!
Ha-rooh, Tom!! Enjoy your celebration, then your trip - busy man!
Posted by: marja-leena | March 13, 2007 at 07:21 AM
Thanks, Marja-Leena. I shall. I shall.
Posted by: Tom Montag | March 13, 2007 at 07:26 AM
Putting this baby to bed must be like having a baby.
Posted by: Peter | March 14, 2007 at 09:38 PM
Ha-rooh, indeed! I hope you had a wonderful little celebration of your big accomplishment.
Posted by: MB | March 15, 2007 at 11:22 PM
Peter & MB--thanks for the good word! I can report now that last night I sent the last pages of PETER'S STORY to the book designer. So, except for reading proofs, it's DONE! Well, done until it is time to get out there and promote it. Oh, yeah, and I have to get my collection of essays, THE IDEA OF THE LOCAL, ready to go to the designer next month.... THEN I will celebrate!
Posted by: Tom Montag | April 12, 2007 at 07:39 AM