If I don't say I saw it snowing
when I got up at 4:00 a.m. this morning, perhaps it won't be cold when I go outside. Can I hope for that? There were large flakes blown in the light of the street lamps. It's such a world.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were lovely days, warm and blue for the most part. Now a week of cold weather is going to roll in.
I attended a sweat lodge ceremony on Thursday night. I saw faces in the glowing of the hot stones, the spirit stones. I stood in the cold night air with sweat pouring off me - part way through the ceremony, then again at the end. I learned the fellow who conducted the ceremony teaches: take care of yourself; take care of your family and community; take care of the earth.
There are some snow flurries still as I leave for work, a few, lightly. I see Ms. Robin is pulling on leg warmers, but the grackles don't care about the cold; they have other things to talk about.
Friday night Mary and I walked downtown. We saw then that there was still some snow in the vacant lot where the Stellmachers had pushed snow all winter. I don't know if it is still there today.