Sweet relief.
A cool front has moved in. It brought storms last evening some places, not here. Here it brought cooler temperatures. The thermostat in the house now reads about 72 degrees. Blue sky overhead, sunshine, a cool breeze. A cool breeze. A sweet cool breeze.
The loveliness of blue sky. I lose myself in my own mind, in the joy of this moment, in the refreshment of morning. What more to wish for? Such peace here, now. I would pray for peace the world over, this loveliness for everyone.
Half a mile south of Five Corners a farmer tills a field, prepares it for the next use. The earth is turned over, the earth turns, all the seasons go 'round. In everything, a cycle and a pattern; in everything, fullness and death and rebirth. Some day my molecules will be dust of the universe, the stuff of stars. Why should I complain?