We've got some cold, blue sky.
Wind and some rain over the weekend, and a cold front has moved in. The season turns, severely.
In the Middle of the Middle: my middle western book. I shall extend the themes laid out in Curlew:Home across the entire middle west by examining one town in each of the middle western states, an area defined roughly by the extent of the tall grass prairie in the region - from very western Ohio all the way to eastern portions of the plains states - North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. What is home? What are the middle western emblems common across the area? Landscape, environment, people, history - all of these factor into the definition of the middle west. I shall use interview and experience, history and geology, essay and journal entry and meditation. I'll walk, I'll drive, I'll listen, I'll read, I'll listen some more, I'll watch. What is it that makes us who we are, here where we can see a thunderstorm roll in from miles distant? Human and animal, vegetable and mineral - what is it that makes us who we are?
The task: identify one community in each state, then establish how to let it represent the state and the area. Hold each community for examination. What shall I see?
The flag at the cemetery is blowing from north to south at full mast. As if sorrow could be done.
Some part of a field of corn has been chopped for silage.
To the east, clouds pile along the edge of Lake Michigan like a wall of rocks.
Soybeans - they looks as if they are ready to be taken.
Freeze and frost advisories for tonight. 'Tis the season.