"Dennis Reinert was selling tickets
on some kind of drawing up at Paul's Cafe last Tuesday morning," Ivan said. "He hit the motherlode at the front table. I even invested a meager amount. Dennis asked for my phone number so he could call me in case I won. You talk about your waste of time. That was a waste of time. He knew it, I knew it, all God's chillun knew it. I ain't gonna win no drawing."
"The Tuesday snowstorm had some good points," Ivan thought. "Momma made chili and baked cookies."
"I don't know how those old miners who got snowed in and spent the winter in a mountain cabin did it," Ivan said. "I had a case of cabin fever so bad by two o'clock in the afternoon last Tuesday that I was walking the floor. Cabin Fever and Claus Phobia - that is a double-whammy when you are snowed in."
Ivan reported: "Davy Winkleman says it is too late to start any vast project with half vast ideas."
"I was complaining about not getting my check to stimulate the economy," Ivan said. "I didn't know who to blame - was it George W., Congress, or the Postal Department? I said something about it to a grizzled veteran Smith County farmer. He summed it up in one word. He said, 'Republicans.' I never thought of that before."
"I was saying that I don't really care what happens politically any more," Ivan admitted. "I won't be around long enough for it to affect me. Donna Conrad said, 'You may live another twenty years.' Betty McDonald said, 'Lord, I hope not. We don't want to have to put up with him for another twenty years.' It gives you such a warm feeling when you have friends."
"Busy, busy, busy," Ivan said. "Last Friday morning, Dick Weltmer was stoking the furnace with breakfast at Paul's Cafe. Dick had an appointment with an eye doctor, an ear doctor, a nose doctor, and a throat doctor at Hastings. Then he was going to try to get to the Mankato cattle sale by noon. Following the cattle sale, he was going to try to make it to the Smith Center-Hill City basketball game and spaghetti feed. He was planning on doing all of this while driving no more than the speed limit."
"Announcer Mike Hughes said he sat down at the wrestling promotion at 3:45 p.m. and didn't get up until 10:30," Ivan reported. "He said Friday morning that his arms, legs, hips, back, and butt were hurtin'. He said you could see dimples in his butt from the bolts in the bleacher seats. I chose not to look."